Tuesday 16 March 2010

Brian May - Mad Max - OST (1979)

Childhood favourite. Now as a 28 year old adult ( on paper at least) it is still one of my all time favourite films, and one which kick started my obsession with apocalyptic fiction and film. Here we have the original score composed by Brian May, the Australian composer with a similar name to the other more famous one. Dramatic, haunting and in all honesty far to intense to actually drive to ( as I have found out on the many occasions I have hit the motorway with this blaring).

Mad Max - OST

Also for anyone with as much interest/obsession with the Mad Max universe as I do then its worth having a gander at this timeline some dude called Alex Maddison has compiled. Taking information from the novelisations of the films and various other sources he has compiled a pretty awesome read of how society broke down, the formation of the MFP and how the various characters came through the series. Complete geek stuff but I love it.

Mad Max Timeline

"We gotta give em back there heroes!"

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